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  • hello! ^^ i'd be happy to come over and go to marie's rv. could i also go back to my town, tt a day forward and come back?
    Hey RedTropicalFish! I am back from vacation if you are still available to trade with me! :)
    Hi :) I can let you catalog the set if that works for you.
    VM me know if interested!

    yes that would work. you'll have to explain how cataloging works to me though:) but yes that works thank you so much!!~
    You are always sweet and kind for other players. I also could not do the rating but will do it later. :)
    Sorry for leaving, I had something to do once I got the flowers c: thank you so much for all the pansies!! I'll make sure to leave a positive rating for you <3
    aha i managed to muster up enough for 1 more item. could i have you order the ice cream case and hot snack case? ; v;
    lol my other char doesn't have enough meow coupons T__T could i buy what i need from the rv at 5 tbt each? sorry!
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