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  • No worries, I actually ordered a silver can from a shop, so I no longer need it! Thank you so much though!!
    Hello! Yes I am :) I have been checking but I think we are on completely different time zones haha XD thanks for vming me! Are you free to trade now? Also would you like to visit an RV? I have a bunch including the Sanrio cards if you'd like to visit one of them (besides Etoile cause she lives in my town lol)... Just as a thank you for the watering can :)
    no i wouldn't mind if she's not original :)
    i love chevre no matter what, ha ha.

    what time is most suited to your convenience ?
    I'd love to have you both over! Just pm me both of your friend codes whenever you guys are free. This will give me time to clean up a bit. I've been buying and buying and now my main character is full on closet storage and house storage....and my beaches (cough storage cough).
    If you ever wanted to come by my place, you're welcome to drop by. Decorating is my favorite aspect of the game, so a second opinion would be nice. I swear I've spent thousands of tbt on my houses. xD Also, I just want to show off some rooms. :'3
    I wanted one of every fruit for some odd reason. I have weird bursts of inspiration and then I'll change a room completely 1 hour's weird. xD I thought the big cushions of fruit would look cute in my birthday room.
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