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  • 15 TBT works for me! I am also looking for the afternoon tea set and perfume bottles for now. What is your friend code?
    Yes, I would love to trade with you! :) How much would you want for the three items? Do I just transfer bells to you under the "currency" tab?
    Hello! I know it's been a long time ;n; I saw the message and lights you sent me back in December, and I'm so sorry for not responding sooner! I've only recently come back to belltree after a very long break. But thank you so much, even though I was several months late it was so nice to have a message from you to come back to! I hope you've been well, <3
    Hello! I saw one of your posts in the trading section and I was wondering if you'd still be willing to sell your kimbap plate, songpyeon and rice cake for TBT? Please let me know, thank you! :^)
    Sorry for all the visitor messages but I don't see your gates open ;v;
    I've also added you and I'm just waiting on your gates to be open! Once again, thank you so much ;v;
    I actually only need to catalog those sets! is that fine with you? :)
    Oh my god!! Thank you ;v; am I coming over to your town or are you coming over to mine? c:
    Hi! Thank you so much for letting me catalog the lotus pond ;v; if possible, do you have any extra of the following I could buy from you?: Bath tile, bathhouse wall? I would really appreciate it if I could buy them from you ;v;
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