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  • Okay I'm sorry for constabtly changing this up, but I was actually able to get the salon chair as well, so now all I need are ths three store shelfa. Again, I'm sorry
    I was actualky able to get the parlor wall, but I am also now looking for a salon chair from Tasha's RV! So if I could get one salon chair and three store shelfs from Candi's RV that would be wonderful!
    Hello! I know I asked for the three store shelves from Candi's RV, but I was wondering if I could also get a parlor wall from Reese's RV too? I could go ahead and pay you 5 TBT for it if you want!
    Oh! No no! I ran out of coupons and I don't want to further waste your time so I'll probably ask to visit again in a week or so :) Thank you so much
    I'm finally done OTL Thank you so much for letting me do this and for being so patient and kind! I will definitely be back to get some more 7-11 items :)
    oh! ok :eek: I'll hoard them for you and let you know when I have them ready for you! and are you sure? you're so generous ;v;
    Oh!!! well the only thing I wanted from it was 24hr shop ABD, and 3 sandwich displays :)
    I don't know hahah I was hoping to visit both the before-the-update RV and the RV after the update! ^o^
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