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  • thanks I think im getting better slowly though, as I have been sick for a week now. But at least my head doesnt feel like its being squished whenever I sit up and my ear doesnt hurt (I had previously gotten some lovely water stuck in my ear).....
    sorry for giving you any possible troubles, I have been hiding under a blanket for about an hour now with a sore throat....
    Berliner,12 grapes plate and a yut. Did I pay you already? O:

    is my FC by the way!
    bUT I have alot of voided villagers so if you need e to clear the void let me know :) and yes! i dont need to change anything :)
    She is :( I'm sorry. I even waited until that night on June 1st to play because I was gonna Time travel back, but you weren't on :(
    Thanks for letting me come and buy. I'm done for the night so feel free to close once you're home
    Finally made it home. Can you open your gates for me to visit Sandy, please?
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