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  • Oh no you're fine! Mistakes happen, and it was on me as well for not paying enough attention! Thank you for coming back and always helping. c:
    Yeah I use them as storage mainly, all lockesr, houses, letters, everything is filled! (*cough* hoarder *cough*)
    I'm available now Fishy! I do agree. :) autumn is my favorite season, and with the heater on it keeps me sleepy! I'll open my gates ~
    I have all characters created! But yeah I know, I think I might be able to figure out the date and TT back (checking the log, I remember it was late last year), but I haven't had the motivation or time to do it, I guess once the update comes out I'll try to figure it out.
    hi<3 and actually some people gave me sme of the stuff you were going to give me! so I've updated my thread.
    I accidentally just overwrote the flamed version of the hat e_e so I can't fix the blue on the blue one if it's wrong, sorry. I still have the version with just the headband though -_-
    Oh, and any particular hair color? I can change the hat to whichever colors you like lol, It'll only take me a minute or two~
    By the way, I have flames around the horns on the hat, do you want a copy with just the headband, or flames too? :)
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