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  • I'd love it if you let me catalog some orderable-DLC!! Hmm...maybe you should message me a list of orderable-DLC you have cataloged, and I'll just list the ones I'm missing! I know for sure I don't have the flamenco hat!
    Yess i mean most i cataloggee from you but since unorderable I cant rebuy or someone stole the item
    Remember to add me! I added you already! After I see that you added me, I'll open my gates as soon as possible!
    I just missed you, sorry for that. Anyway, thank you so much for the saplings! :D
    Oh sorry. So my town, or? I'm opening gates now, anyway.
    Tell me if you want me to come over instead. :p
    I would like to trade now! Just gotta get your friend code first! And we're trading in my town! So when I get your friend code I'll open my gates right away! Town name is Compton, character name is Luigi. I'll be waiting! :)
    Oh it's dinner now.
    It takes a while for me... I'll be back in 30 if you're still around?
    I did get 10 cedar saplings, and 10 oak saplings, but from the looks of it, I need at least 20 oak saplings more, and 10 cedar saplings.
    Do you have that much? :)
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