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  • Aw thank you! And yeah you can see my new town, but its nothing special at all lol. Theres nothing in it yet except for houses and trees. Sorry it took me so long to reply, been busy lately
    Also i got keaton, robin, and tex as random move ins from time traveling because im impatient lol. I also got muffy again which is kind of annoying since i already have her in my main town. Oh well at least its not nate or hippeux back to torture me again lol
    I got my new copy of new leaf and started my town of vesper :) my starting villagers are antonio, lily, boomer, lobo, and rosie, and out of them i think the only one i will keep is lily. I like antonio too but i dont like where his house is and there are a lot if jocks i would prefer to have instead of him like rod, snake, teddy, bam, cousteau, kody, and rudy
    Hello! How are you? May I come to catalog again under a different character/3ds?
    did you happen to get me a gift & have someone else deliver an item from my wishlist? seems like something you would do! ;)
    Thanks so much for the food and being so patient with me!! <3
    I've only been playing for about 2 weeks so I don't know much yet. Sorry for the mistake! OTL
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