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  • Hi I will be coming to your town whenever your ready for me, so just leave a message I am available right now :)
    Hello, whenever your ready I would love to pick up my zodiac set + hybirds! I will give you the bells once I arrive :)
    I don't think I understand. Are you selling me the 7-11 set, even though you usually don't take AC bells?
    Would you be interested in buying some things at my selling thread? I really need the TBT.
    Hi! Thanks so much for selling to me so affordably and for letting me catalog. You have so much and that is FANTASTIC! Also, you astound me with how kind and upbeat you are for the job you do with those kids. That's very sweet. Having had some like that in my own family background I want to say thank you to you and people like you who care for ill children. It's not for everyone. I'll return really soon! I had lots of fun and I hope to chat again. Thanks so much for everything, really. You've made my night! No, my week. :) (((HUGS)))
    I'm so sorry! I am supposed to VM you my order. I want the Cabana Set for 200 TBT and my fc is 2492-4142-1135 and I think it is MaeRose.
    >_< I'm so awful that I can't remember which town I'm on.
    I return to you 20 tbt for the 4 purple tulips. Sorry for forgot to empty my slots. I don't know that there no black violets. Thanks for your patience.
    How much is the full zodiac set? It says 100 TBT but I am just not sure about that.
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