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  • you will be ok cause your a strong person just be there for them and do what u can.
    wow that suks, i never good when you lose a friend or family but it is nice what your doing for the kids.
    I added some things while you were offline (15 black tulips and 15 pink roses, 711 set, cardboard set)
    Is it too late to change and add some things? My brother and sis want things. So Brewster set (250), 711 set (200) pink sloppy set(300), cabana set(200), zodiac set(100), gorgeous set(100), Gracie set(100), mermaid set(200), 15 pink roses, 15 black tulips , and cardboard set and creepy set. That's a lot but that's 1,600 tbt for you!
    hi i will not be on TBT much today but should be on AC a bit . If you would like to come over for a visit gimme a Ring via AC text and ill open gate. Hope your doing ok and having a good day. ttyl.
    If its too much to ask, I would like to add the gorgeous set as well.. so 900 tbt all together?
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