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  • I can open my gates. I have all the flowers set up c: Just to confirm, you wanted 10 pink lilies, all the black lilies, and lolly's pic for 850k?
    Oh, I guess I missed you. Catch you tomorrow then. I am signing off line for the night.
    Acnl-Rena! - Order ready
    arched window 2150
    backyard fence 800
    blue-trim wall 1420
    butterfly wall 1480
    concrete wall (non orderable)
    dirt clod wall 800
    floral wall 2250
    flower pop wall 1480
    groovy wall 1280
    imperial wall 2660
    ivy wall 1250
    kitchen wall 1120
    lattice wall 1780
    mod wall 1120
    neutral wall 1200
    palace wall 2000
    playroom wall 1320
    ramshackle wall 1200
    red tile wall 1680
    rose wall 2240
    wood paneling 1320 = 30,550 + fee = 31,000 (20)
    + floor order 38,200 + fee = 40,000(22)
    Grand total 71,000 Deal?
    Hey, it seems you wanted to have Flurry! She's now going to move, but you could put an offer for me in my cycling thread.
    Acnl-Rena! - Order ready
    Ventilation 1120
    Vibraphone 1900
    Violin 2200
    Vision test 2280
    Volleyball net 1800
    Wall mounted monitor 3800*
    Wall mounted speaker 1600
    Washbasin (Silver) 1200
    Washbasin (spa) 2880
    Water bird 1400
    Water cooler 2200
    Watering trough 1100
    Watermelon chair 1300
    Watermelon table 1800 (surprise)
    Weeping fig 1200
    Well 2700
    Western fence 880
    Wet road sign 850
    White katana 36,800
    Wobbelina 700
    Wooden stool 1000
    Wooden box 200 = 70,910 + fee = 71,000 (22)
    Acnl-Rena! - Order ready
    Reception table 2000
    Reel to reel 2000
    Righty Desk 1240
    Rope partition 1800
    Server 3400*
    Shower 880
    Simple armchair 1800
    Simple kettle 1200
    Simple love seat 2050*
    Sitar 1200
    Small spotlight 1400
    Snake plant 1200
    Soda case 1800
    Soda fountain 2400
    Space captain seat 3680
    Space station 2800*
    Speed bag 2990
    Sphinx 3200
    Spinning wheel 2200*
    Stadimeter 1680
    Stained glass 1200
    Stained glass lamp 2400
    TV Camera 5600
    Vacuum cleaner 1200
    Upright vacuum 1800
    Luna Rover 2560
    Stair dresser 2250
    Stair projective 2400
    Statue of Liberty 1200 = 61,530 + fee = 65,000 (29)

    Oh, got another mush wall lamp, do you want it for 20k more?
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