Amilee Dec 12, 2015 Hey i just wanted to let you know that you can reserve Julian for 20tbt. When he is in boxes i will hold him for you. It will cost 150tbt to pick him up. C:
Hey i just wanted to let you know that you can reserve Julian for 20tbt. When he is in boxes i will hold him for you. It will cost 150tbt to pick him up. C:
daynapapaya Nov 29, 2015 Chester is in boxes in my cycling town, Emyrelle! You have 3 hours to claim him until he passes to the next lurker.
Chester is in boxes in my cycling town, Emyrelle! You have 3 hours to claim him until he passes to the next lurker.
pumpkinpudding Nov 29, 2015 I just realised I asked for all the flowers (excluding blue ones), I actually only wanted the hybrids so don't worry about the red or white roses
I just realised I asked for all the flowers (excluding blue ones), I actually only wanted the hybrids so don't worry about the red or white roses
pumpkinpudding Nov 29, 2015 Hi there, I'm online now if you're still around. Your town is better for me if that's ok and I've just transferred the btb for you
Hi there, I'm online now if you're still around. Your town is better for me if that's ok and I've just transferred the btb for you
glow Nov 28, 2015 Hey omg sorry! I just realized I never responded to your comment in my thread?? Let me know if you still want that stuff!
Hey omg sorry! I just realized I never responded to your comment in my thread?? Let me know if you still want that stuff!
Mayor Rose Nov 28, 2015 was waiting for your gates to open, and realized i hit nearby towns >____<<<<
Mayor Rose Nov 28, 2015 Sure, I don't mind if it's before or after. Add me and I'll open my gates ^-^
Mayor Rose Nov 28, 2015 sure! but theyre on my other character so would you mind picking up these first and then i'll end and head over to your town with the rest?
sure! but theyre on my other character so would you mind picking up these first and then i'll end and head over to your town with the rest?