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  • I was thinking about getting Fang from Kevin but I'm trying to save my bells to help my friends get their dreamies after I was done ;)
    Okay, sounds like a good deal! :) Was I lurking for Fang on your cycling thread?... Or did you even have a cycling thread?
    By the way, see if I'm at school when Fang's in boxes would you mind keeping him for me and not voiding him? :) I'm always just so scared if somebody voids a dreamie when I'm away
    Sorry. I dont know whats been going on, Cause Ill add a fc and then it says for the other person I didnt add them, and then when I go back into my fcs it comes up with invalid fc but stays a friend and I have to go and delete the friend card and add the same fc back to get it to work
    Shouldnt my order be 105 bells? o.o Or do you not have something on the list :>
    Hm I hoping to be. The latest will probably be around 6pm est. I'll let you know if there are any delays
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