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  • No, it's totally okay! Don't feel like you need to let me know everything that happens. Like I said, I kind of assumed you were probably okay, and I'm glad to know that you actually are. :)
    Oh, that's good! :) I assume everything went well?

    And I kind of thought I might have annoyed you by asking, haha. I got a little worried when I didn't hear anything, but then I thought that if you had gone home, you'd probably have stuff to do and think about instead of being here.

    But I'm glad to hear you're home. :)
    Oh wow, you should try it sometime! It's really fun if you do it with a close group of friends cause that way everyone knows each other well enough to guess at what they'd want.

    And that really sucks. :( I know what you mean about not feeling sleepy when you try to sleep, though, and idk if there's really any solution to that. Do you think you can go home any time soon, or is that still a bad idea?
    It was okay. I had rehearsal for our holiday parade, and my section is going to do a secret Santa. Currently there are some complications, but once everything gets straightened out, I'm sure it'll be fun.

    And I'm sorry you're still tired. :( We're you able to sleep any better last night?
    I kind of doubt that you did anything wrong enough to deserve having to leave home, so I hope you don't blame what's happened on yourself.

    How was your night/ day?
    Yeah, that does kind of make sense. It sounds like a really confusing and ****ty situation to be in, and I'm so sorry you're in it. :( I hope you do get to go home soon, though, because at least you'd be warm and relatively safe.

    And you should definitely try to sleep! It sounds like you're pretty worn out, so some sleep would do you good. Just make sure that you're safe there before you fall asleep. If you don't feel safe, you probably shouldn't sleep, but there's only so many sleepless nights you can take. :/

    I'm going to bed pretty soon, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to message you or not. If not, I hope you stay warm and safe tonight, and I hope that you can catch some sleep! Hopefully things will look up for you soon. I'll see you tomorrow. :)
    Don't feel sorry! I'm the one replying slowly, lol, I've been doing my homework and then my phone died. Don't feel bad.

    Why is she afraid of running away if she'd react badly to you coming back? Or did you leave of your own accord because of what's been going on?

    (Sorry if that's too invasive, I'm just kind of confused. Don't answer anything you feel uncomfortable answering.)

    And oh, I understand. Would anybody notice if you slept inside? I don't want you to get sick from sleeping outside in 10 degree weather. :(
    Yeah, I'm a senior. There's actually a school I applied to in my city that has a really good marching band, and I'd definitely join if I went there, so idk. It might not be over for good.

    And that's good that you have money. I'm sorry you're still out of your house, though. Would your parents react badly if they found out you snuck back in? And yikes, that doesn't sound fun at all. :( Be careful tonight, and make sure you stay as warm as possible. Are you going back to the store?

    And that's actually what I thought at first! I couldn't tell very well because it's difficult to see on my phone, though, so I thought it might not be her haha.
    Yeah, I'm kind of happy it's over, but I'm kind of sad too lol. It's just cuz band's been part of my life since sixth grade, and marching band has been since ninth, so it's kind of weird for marching band to be over.

    And that's good about your homework! I'm sorry about your having trouble sleeping though, that really sucks. I usually take a shower before bed so I'll sleep, or I take a Benadryl, so if either of those are available to you, you might want to try them? I'm sorry I can't think of anything else. :(

    And lol thanks. What's your avatar from? I've always wondered.
    Oh, whoa, that is kind of weird lol. :eek:

    And I'm okay! I've just been relaxing since band is pretty much over haha. And I'm sorry you're tired. :( How are things going?
    Okay. :) But don't come online if it'll run your battery down a lot. I don't want you out there without a working phone, especially not at my expense.
    Oh, okay. :( Well, it's good you got to stay there for the time being. Good luck tonight, and I hope you stay safe and warm.
    Oooh, that's good. And wow, it's already snowing? It really sucks that you're out in that.

    Is there any chance she could take you to a shelter? Or get you directions to one? Still, if the store is safe, it's good that you can go back there. I hope you're safe and careful tonight, especially since it's so cold out.
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