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  • That sounds lovely. I ended up staying home with the family and watched a few movies, haha. Sorry I'm responding a year later! :p How was your Christmas + New Years?
    I missed you a lot too! I hope you had a good Christmas and have a happy new year!

    Also, I hope we can become better friends this year. :)
    It's such a fun instrument. It instantly makes me happy when I play it haha. And it's vacation! you should be sleeping haha!
    Hi! I missed you :) I was dealing with some personal stuff, but I'm back. I'm sorry I left so abruptly and without explanation or notification. We can talk about it more in depth via PM if you want. How are you doing?
    I also wanted to thank you for you coming out your way to help me. I really appreciate it. Thank you. ꒰ີᵒ̴̶̷͈́༝ॢᵒ̴̶̷͈̀ ૢ꒱ ິ
    I'm supposed to be doing that and writing last minute papers, but I'm too unmotivated and my boyfriend just dropped the worst/best news for us at the wrong time. My most important final is tomorrow afternoon and I'm too calm about it.
    I am SO glad to hear that! The list of Cognitive Distortions really helped me too, so I am glad it did the same for you. :) Thanks for following-up! And thanks for congratulating me on my win! XD I hope all is going okay with you. And once again, I am always here to talk. :)
    Anytime :) I want you to know I am here for you if you ever want to talk, even if its by email or Skype. There are people out there who care about you. I am glad you found my advice helpful. :) That's what I aim to do! Let me know if any of the strategies work!
    Hey! Thanks for your post on my thread! Sorry I couldn't respond immediately, I had to go eat dinner, but I responded now! Its quite lengthy. XD I hope my advice helps. Let me know if you ever want to talk, just shoot me a PM! I am here for you. *hugs*.
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