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  • I'm so jealous,you have an awesome avatar,and I'm stuck with sharks until I have enough TBT for a username change.
    Kept forgetting to say this,but I 3 your avatar.Isn't that one of the leaf people from Wind Waker?Love Legend of Zelda.
    Oh, I see! Lucky! I never had the chance to get into team sports when I was young, and even now... It's still a no. What happened, though? Did you get bored of the game?
    I've played on a team, but they normally consist of friends who aren't anywhere near competitive. Or, to put simply, suck. Other than that, I wouldn't really consider them a "real team", as they don't put too much effort into the game, lol.
    Yeah, well apparently my school does. ._. LOL, yeah! I would love to do aerobics. I'm not a competitive person either, but the only sport I do like is volleyball. xD
    That's awesome. Jeez, your school at least has that. It actually goes by the grade you're in. So for example: Freshman year we had to do soccer, Frisbee (that's actually a thing) or football, volleyball, and laps around the track. Sophomore year we did volleyball, softball, optional soccer and weight room. It's very repetitive though. That's why I dislike it at times.
    Ew, they're so creepy! Yeah, some people at my school get caught too, but that's because they make it obvious! :v

    Wow! I wish I had only 2 years... I prefer taking some other elective rather than gym. Gym is so stupid, like we do the same stuff every day anyway.
    Yeah, me too, depending on the teacher. LOL. Well, the History teacher normally goes on his computer when we take a test. Plus, I sat in the back corner xD So it was a lot easier for me to cheat rather than the people who sat in front. xD

    Yeah, it is. :c Normally, our schedules consist of some form of the following: Math, English, Science, History, Gym, elective, elective, and of course, lunch. Gym is mandatory either way. I kind of don't mind gym. I just hate having to rush to get to my next class. :c
    Haha, yeah, people would take out their phones here too! LOL. xD The only class I got away with that was US History 1. I basically cheated on my entire Final Exam and got an A... because I looked up all the answers. xD I wish I could tell you all these stories, haha. x3 LOL, yeah, totally. :cool:

    I hope it is. c: Just 2 years of gym?! Are you kidding me... We're required to take gym for 4 years, along with Driver's Ed and Health. :v I hate my school even more now. xD The only good thing about my school is that they offer electives from the start, and I mean... It's a lot to choose from. I really hope Graphic Design will be as fun as I imagined it. ; ;
    Wow! Your ID's are a lot fancier than ours, LOL. All we have is our picture, our ID #, School Address and Bar code, lol. Aww, that's really smart! What I normally do is just pretend I'm fixing my shirt and then get a sneak peek of the note. c:

    Yeah, same! I'm just glad I got it out of the way since I've been waiting since Freshman year to take Graphic Design. ; ;
    Yeah! It seems like Algebra 2 is a lot harder than 1. Ugh, I hate when they have us memorize equations! I used to use a small piece of paper, put down the important equations on it, and hide it in my ID for testing.

    Yep. I took Spanish 1 in Freshman Year and Spanish 2 last year. (It's state required to take two years to graduate). I personally think Spanish 2 was fun and easy! So hopefully it'll be the same for you. :)
    Oh! I might look into AP then. Gosh! ;-; Aha, yes... Not a very fun time for me.

    Ah, cool! I honestly don't know when I'll be taking physics. Hopefully never. :rolleyes: I don't actually mind Algebra 1 as I did really good that year. (Freshman) But Algebra 2 is a whole other story...

    Have you taken any language courses?
    Aha, AP Courses as well? We're not required to take those, at least from what I know. For me, it's always been math as well. Last year, I could have made the Honor Roll if it weren't for Geometry. :( (I kept getting D's... It was that bad). I know, right?! :v I can already see how this is going down.

    We take Chemistry. You?
    Well, my schedule right now basically consists of what Juniors are supposed to take. I'm also taking IT Essentials and Graphic Designing as well, so I hope that won't be too hard. ;-; Omg, I have an issue with math as well! They gave us this freaking algebra 2 packet for this summer... I only got through the first 4 pages (there's 10 in all). We had never learned the things on it, and then they expect us to take a test on it the first week of school.

    I'll be happy for you once it is sorted out. :D
    I hope so too ;-; Ugh, I really hate your school, aha. I really hope they transfer you by this week. It's really ridiculous of them to be difficult.
    Ah, school. I'm semi-stressing out on the fact that I have to go back in a week. Did you switch schools yet or not yet?o:
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