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  • i just saw your comment response to mine, and im really sorry youre dealing with anxiety attacks too -hugs tight- itll be okay... things will get better someday ;;
    Omg, I only really have like 1 considerably good friend, more or less. & That's terrible. :c I'm sure at least one teacher likes you! But then again, your school is basically some crazy cult so... lol just kidding. :rolleyes:

    Ugh, I feel the same way too! I feel like some people just don't like me, and I don't know why. I always normally keep to myself, and people really don't know me since I don't have FB, IG, and Twitter, lol. :v
    It's definitely not just you. I myself feel the exact same way. I made some poor choices with friends, and now I have to deal with the consequences of being judged, ya know?

    I don't really mind the HS. Teachers seem to like me. It's the people in it I can't stand.
    Haha, I bet you'll be doing some crazy dance or something. xD

    That's terrible. It really does suck having to go somewhere where you're practically miserable. I myself am feeling a little down about going back to HS because I don't want to see a lot of people and deal with their drama. I was supposed to move to Florida this year, but things came up, so I'm stuck here. :l
    What the heck is wrong with your school? Gosh, they're system is really messed up.

    Yeah, I think every school is more or less like that. xD
    How unbelievable! >.> My school is somewhat stubborn when it comes to changing schedules. Last year, my councilor gave me the same class that I had already taken in Freshman year! It was like finding a needle in a haystack to get it changed!

    That would be amazing if they did! It would suck if you had to go to some school that won't let you change your schedule... :(
    That's crazy! Why do you have to switch schools again? o:

    Haha, well, hopefully tomorrow you'll have a better day. :)
    Oh! You already started school?

    And it was terrible? Bummer. :(

    I'm doing quite fine today! Semi-Dreading the fact that I have to go back to school, but... Still have 1 and a half weeks left of summer. :)
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