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  • That's okay, I don't even think it's funny to joke about anyone dying. I respect the staff a lot.
    You're talking to the wrong person. I didn't write that entry. Someone else with a similar username did. I wouldn't even make jokes about that.
    well its better to be safe than sorry. let me know when you're back on and i'll reopen my gates for you c:
    of course! im just mortified that this happened. also there was a communication error so i reopened my town again
    dont be sorry about it! i should be more careful about leaving my town open overnight im very sorry this whole situation happened :c your items are still by the train station and my town is open so you are welcome to come by and finish what you started. i'll be keeping a close eye on my town while you're there to make sure nothing bad happens again
    did someone named junkrat come to my town last night? while i was asleep? im talking to my friend about it and this junkrat person might be the one who were trying to take things without permission.
    wait which guy?? the blonde one or the one with the star glasses? i was alseep and just woke up at 5 am to a internet connection error
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