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  • okie I'm omw!! I'm gonna drop them in front of the station if you have room there!! and if you don't see me it's bc I'm in the station closet getting the rest of it lol
    your order is ready!!! I'm delivering to someone else atm but I can come over in about 5mins so pls open your gates~
    I'm sure :blush: sooo here's the rundown: zodiac dlc set and ice creams, and I'll get you the heart and bunny balloons as well~ just consider them a present!!
    HGJFJHFD it's okay!!! dw about it!! how about this then: zodiac dlc and ice creams, and I'll just throw in some balloons for free? which do you prefer- regular, bunny, or heart?
    okay! so you're ordering the balloon and zodiac set and for the giveaway you've chosen the ice creams? *__*
    hello, please clarify what you mean by ice cream set >< are you talking about the edible ones you can hold? so I'm assuming you want them in every flavor, correct? just making sure!! ty~
    ah im sorry! my town is open and should be open for the next few hours unless my internet goes out
    yes i am! my gates will be open in 5 mins c: my town name is Namu and the mayor name is Princess
    I meant i could offer any amount in (in game bells) :p but if you want to give me it for free that's fine ;D

    Let me know when you can give it to me, thanks! :D
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