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  • That would be amazing. I'm making a mule character that actually has storage space so I can do this, haha XD I'll add you!
    Yeah, sure thing that's okay.

    I also got the blue hat from someone else, but still need to catalog the dango.
    Sure! I have someone over, so when they are done, I'll add you and open the gates!
    TBT is fine. How much are you willing to pay?I suck at prices so you decide ^^
    I can get you the ankylo skull, ant,,cyclommatus stag,golden stag, goliath beetle,horned atlas,horned elephant,horned hercules and the gray formal pants. How much will you be willing to pay for them?
    How much longer are you going to be online for?
    Sorry but I had to quickly go somewhere so I can't access my DS and I don't know how much longer it will be.
    I think at most it will be 1 hour :s
    Sorry about this!!
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