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  • I will put your signature on hold because you have not answered my question on the 10th villager~ Also which villagers are obtained with a white tulip?
    Actually, I'm gonna have to cancel the order. I have a 24hr policy and I've tried to find a time to trade with you and it doesn't seem to be working out. I'm sorry, I don't want to keep a set reserved when I don't know if the deal will happen or not.
    Thanks, hope you understand.
    Errr... Could we just get it done now? I promise it'll be fast. I just want to finish up the trade. Please.
    Sorry, I feel asleep. Are you still available? I tather just drop it off quickly! :)
    I saw your wishlist and I was wondering if you had a sleeping bag in your catalog, if you do I can order you a couple things from your wishlist as a trade! ^-^
    Ohhh my gosh, sorry about the delay D: Taking a little longer than expected to get everything ready to move >_<
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