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  • Have you had any luck with Carmen? I went away from my 3DS so I didn't get any messages if you sent any D:
    OMG!! YES!! If I can't draw it, I'm TOTALLY going to commission someone to draw it. This is GOLD! XD Btw, you got a reference of your mayor in either case? This pic WILL get done, whether by me or by someone else!!

    It definitely more common now since I'm in my 20's XD Man, I feel old. XD But, yeah, I still think those things now! I may be a bit more girly than I used to be, but some things just don't change... :p

    Yes. I'm not joking. XD Yeah, I should organize the conversations and also tag who's in the conversation. That might make it easier to find which conversation you're looking for. ^^; Let me know if you have trouble finding them.

    And yes! I LOVE Wolfgang! <3 First dreamie I obtained and I'm super happy to have him! I was upset yesterday that he wanted to move out. :O BUT, naturally, I stopped him. Him and Rocco are an interesting combo. XD Will miss Rocco a lot when he moves out at some point, BUT, I WANT KID CAT OUTTTTT NOWWWWWWW!!!!
    Haha. Same here. That'd just be AWKWARD!!!!! >.< OMG! Totally! Is it bad I TOTALLY want to draw a picture of our mayors on a double date with Marshal & Hippeux? XD (or commission someone to draw it since I dunno if it'll come out right as I don't think I draw that well...)

    Yes, indeed. Awkward, cuz I just feel weirded out when it feels like I'm getting hit on. Strange, since I'm usually oblivious if a guy's hitting on me. Needs the direct approach usually to figure that out. Then again... it's usually my friends that guys hit on when my boyfriend's not around. XD

    At the same time, it's just downright funny to see him try. Have you seen some of the conversations he's had with some of my female villagers? I seriously bust out laughing when I catch those conversations! XD
    I KNOW right?! XD My boyfriend's never pulled any lines like that on me. Though, if he said them, I might just bust out laughing, merely because it's just SOO unlike him to say lines like that. I only don't save Hippeux's since I type 'em all up on my blog and put them under the tag "awkward letter." XD LAWL!

    OMG!!!! :O Maybe he IS. Dun, dun, dun~~~! *dramatic music*

    Y'know, I'm gonna miss these once Hippeux moves out. But... Zell may just simply take his spot of being the so-called suave guy. XD
    Did you see my most recent blog post? Hippeux sent me another... uh, interesting letter. XD Wonder if Zell will do the same thing when I get him. What's with these villagers being all flirty or whatnot? XD
    If you're free now that'd be great! Then I can send you the art as soon as I'm done, which will be sometime tonight :3 I'll add you now
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