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  • Hello! Sorry I had to disappear quickly - would you still like to swap perfect fruits? Let me know & I'll open my gates up. :)
    Oh ok. Well let me know. I will be free again in about four hours when I get off from work.
    I'm adding you and opening my gates now! Whenever you want to come in, you can. I have about 40 min. :3
    The earliest I'm free is in about an hour when I go on lunch break. I'll let you know when I can get on. Will you be free in an hour or so?
    I'm at work, but let me see how I can get on. (Maybe I'll slip away for a bit.)
    (Your inbox is full. XD)

    (regarding space for Carmen) When can you let me know by the earliest? I'd like to get a thread started for her if you can't open space up, as I'd hate to see her voided.
    I ended up having to delete my 2nd character's house so I could put my 3rd bridge back. Least I can still put a bridge near where I originally wanted it, so it works out. Just sucks that since my 2nd character was holding ALL my path pieces... all the work I did is gone. T.T Oh well, it'll get re-done. :)

    Of course. I LOVE Drago!! :D He's NEVER leaving Noveria, least as long as I keep playing NL. :3 Best of luck getting Wolfgang's pic! :D Haha! XD Yeah, I've been meaning to update it. Been busy the last few days, but I will update it at some point today.
    Yeah! He FINALLY left yesterday, so he was in boxes on Saturday (lil belated on the message to ya). AND~ I got another dreamie yesterday... ZELL!! :D His plot is in my town in the EXACT SAME SPOT as Kid Cat's house. XD And it only took me 3 resets this time! :3

    Definitely. I don't like TT on a daily basis (and usually don't generally), but I WILL do it for a dreamie!! On the plus side, I'm getting a lotta grass back. XD So much of it vanished from all the walking/running in town. Downside, I STILL have to re-do my path and it's starting to disappear! :p Dunno if I mentioned it, but when Wolfgang moved in, I forgot about plot resetting because I was SOOOOO excited to get my 1st priority dreamie.
    Oh, so I looked it up, and I apparently screwed up. What happened was..

    Apparently you have to give it a few days for it to get into effect since I started TTing right after, so it wasn't completely in effect. Hence, the dying flowers. XD This time, I put the Beautiful Town ordinance in effect for a few days before I started TTing and I had no issues with dying flowers this time around to get Kid Cat into boxes. ARGH!!! TOOK FOREVER TO GET HIM INTO BOXES!!!! >.< He seriously never wanted to move....

    Yes, FIVE times. XD I mean, c'mon!! You were sooooooo difficult the first time Drago!!!! XD Hmm, tips: writing letters & give them gifts, when they ask for something, try to get them the best thing (expensive fish/bugs, perfect fruit), help when out when they want ya to do a favor for them. That's all I can think of at the moment... hope those help. :D
    Repost below since I posted this on my profile. XD

    OMG YES!!!! <3 Too hilarious!!

    I am, but he's NOT moving!! T.T Either no one's moving, or someone I want to stay, is thinking about moving. And it's taking me longer since I wanna collect all the money & make sure my flowers aren't dead. I have the Beautiful Ordinance in effect, but I'm still paranoid, since when I TT Katt to boxes, I lost a bunch of hybrids... and I HAD it in effect.

    Indeed. :3 Even though we're BFF's (I mean, c'mon, I got his pic FIVE times!! XD), be nice if there was another gator.
    Oh thank you so much, that means a lot to me!

    I do take custom signature requests but currently only for my remaining dream villagers! :( They're just so time-consuming to make. I'm still looking for Marshal though and would gladly offer a signature and/or pixel designs, if for any reason the previous girl wanting him backed out of the trade? ouo
    Yeah, I mean it's fine and I enjoy it, but it really slows everything down ╮(─▽─)╭ the one I'm working on now has five characters...
    Riiight! Back to back - literally! And of course it's not too much. (^▽^) (I'm thinking of adding a character limit of 3 per illustration though because damn it's hard to make a functioning picture with large groups)
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