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  • LOL I have no clue! All the 60+ year old neopians are great! I'm going to follow in their footsteps one day. When I'm that age, you bet I'll be logging in to do my dailies and zap my shoyru who is sTILL A CHOMBY. -more crying-

    You are a TBT angel who helps whenever you can. There are relentless people on this website who get offended easily, and then proceed to blow an argument out of proportion by overreacting to everything being said. I watch the trainwrecks happen, but I'm never brave enough to step in.. I admire you for standing up for others as often as you do. You're such a wonderful person. <3

    omg... When Neopets caters to our adult needs, pigs will fly off the ground using bacon-filled jetpacks. The TNT dictatorship is convinced that kids need to be shielded from the EVILS OF THE INTERNET even though they probably saw every curse word in the book-- and even nsfw stuff-- on another website already. This is stupid lol! Neopets is literally covered in bubblewrap!

    -super tight hugs- Ah, thanks for letting me know! I hope the arguments you've gotten into are minor or at the very least Animal Crossing related. You are the last person I'd expect to get into disputes here. ;u;

    Aww, really? You're too sweet! If I'm not on TBT, something irl popped up and I had to go.. outside!! DUN DUN DUN. D8 -huggles- I'm the same with you too, in a slightly different way. Whenever you don't reply for a while, I always think 'I miss Seroja a lot.. I hope she comes online soon!'

    Wait, Neopets didn't have crazy chat restrictions in 2000? Aw man.. Screw you, scammers. Hahaha, kids don't give a crap about Neopets! I told my little brother that they're being sued for 5 million dollars, and how they'd probably lose and get shut down. You know what he said? "Oh no. How will we ever survive without Neopets?!" in the most sarcastic tone in the world. I was dying!
    Good morning, Seroja! It's okay; take your time replying! America doesn't use the metric system because our Eagle Overlords said not to. lmao I have no idea. >A< I tried to make a smoothie once, but overdid it with the ice. My smoothie was extremely crunchy.

    Yeah, IKR. Neopets needs to loosen up if they want to appeal to a broader audience. Even the users drawn in by nostalgia are getting bored..

    Oh! lol most of my posting is in the basement. I come home from work, spam the forum game threads, and yeah.. I'm always surprised by how fast it adds up. ^^
    It took me FOREVER to get my uchi to give me the log bench and wisteria trellis! I used to do the wetsuit trick a lot but I haven't in a while... come to think of it, I should probably try again and see if I can get what I need...
    The weekend sounds great! I'm usually on somewhere between 3 to 9pm EST on the weekends. I'll look up what time that is for you so I can better give you a time
    Hi again! I struggled with my wifi all night and can't figure out what the problem is :( I'm very sorry, but I'll have to cancel my order since I don't know when the problem will get fixed. :c
    Ugh I know the feeling! I'm waiting on a few PWPs myself. I got Carmen to move in so she could suggest them and she hasn't suggested anything at all //sigh// I love giving tours! Idk why, but I do love showing people around. Whenever you'd like, you're more than welcome, just let me know! ^^~ I try to breed my own flowers but some are hard for me and I lack the patience lol so I just buy them. The Jacob's ladders I got because Winnie trampled some with her ugly house plot T^T
    Lol it's ok! I'm super talkative, I come off strong haha! I was actually looking for flowers not long ago and I wish I had found your shop sooner xD And yes, you should try the violets with the lilies! I think they look rather nice, but it could be me xD I used them to decorate around the wisteria trellis and I think it looks cute. Perhaps one day I could give you a tour if you're ever interested ><
    Sorry about the wait! Isabelle was feeling pretty chatty this morning. >.< But my gates are finally open!
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