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  • I'm sure they worked hard to get those avatars, UCs, stamps, etc etc, but calling themselves 'Elite' is really arrogant. It's not like they win an award from TNT for being in the top 10. In my opinion, the whole guild is a self-made status symbol designed to show their superiority. (From what I saw, your neopet account is rather impressive too. Would you join if they invited you?)

    Yeah, exactly!! Faerie pets are in their generic punching pose with some cheap wings glued to their backs! Ugh. TNT, why? Whyyy?
    Sheesh. What counts as excelling anyway? Do they require a specific amount before you're even considered? There are tons of different ways to play neopets, and these 'elite' users are not super special for having more stuff. -_o

    It sucks that every pet looks the same! I think the only ones that look different are mutants and babies..
    Having a guild for the 'best of the best' is a little.. over the top, I think. It also makes anyone who's not invited feel inadequate. ;n;

    Kacheeks and Usukis are cute even with the new art! I understand what you mean though.. Back in the day, all my neopets were shoyrus. Shoyru this, shoyru that. Shoyrus everywhere! But now I don't like how they look, and the ones I do have are more 'tolerable?' thanks to painted colors and wearables.

    Wow, I'm still in Sunday. What's it like in the future? (I'm jk lol!)
    Good! Reminiscing about the past and my beloved shoyrus lol. I had no idea the Neo elites existed, so it's alright. Neopets seems so dead lately.. It's wonderful to know that there are dedicated players on TBT. <3

    Eastern Standard Time: It's 10:53 pm right now. What about you? :)
    How are you? ^^

    The neopets thread is thriving omg. I can barely keep up with it now.
    Ok I'll have the 10 yellow hibiscus starts and golden axe so 24 tbt?
    Sorry, I've been wrapped up in something for the past couple of days. VM a time that would work for you, I'm in EST btw.
    i finally finished your signature! im so sorry that i took so long to finish it~ posted it in my shop!
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