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  • Sorry but could you wait a little bit? I have to plot reset a villager quickly.
    Don't worry I transferred it over to this file and I got a couple villagers I like in this town. None of the other villagers in that town were a dreamie, I like kind of obscure ones. It was a very new file so no harm done. I can trade now btw, I got a cute villager and disabled spot pass. :)
    I think it does. That, and I don't have street pass enabled. I literally deleted that town and started over once I saw Chester. >~< Not worth the 5 Million she gave me
    Hi! Currently I'm resetting for a villager so I can trade after. I'm going to have to disable spot pass once we trade so I don't get anything from your void, which happened with the other person.
    So I was wondering if you're available now before I go for the night? I can leave my gates open for you if you can come over.
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