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  • Ah, if you're trading with duckyluv, I can give her the flowers and you can pick them up at her town instead if you're okay with that?
    Sorry! I don't know what happened, my internet's been acting weird lately. I'll open again~
    Hi! Let me know when you're available to get your 9 pink & 9 purple tulips~
    And my town or yours?
    hi, your PM box is full (x

    i was just confirming your order and also asking if you can pick up in my town?

    and add my 2nd FC in sig, thanks~
    My gates are open, I'll meet you there and lead you to the flowers. Take as many as you'd like, and locker trips are perfectly fine. ^^ I just ask that my hybrids near the station get left alone. c:
    Sorry about the blue roses, we both misread :( Currently I was holding all blue roses and went afk when junjie wifi'd with you >~< We feel bad about the mistake.
    Okay, gonna open in one second, have to visit someone real quick to grab some bamboo shoots and I'll be right back! Sorry for taking so long!
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