its all right, dw about it! im also doing a thing where im paying off peoples pwp's and home loans, so let me know if you have a home loan ur currently paying off or a pwp or both
i was going to give you bells to get it customized, since i have the original set! that way you dont have to pay for the customization with your own bells! i have too much igb anyway, so ill happily give however much igb you want!
oh im sorry! i dont have a pink sloppy set, i have the regular. if i give you the regular for 50 tbt, ill throw in like 3 mil to get it customized, though. let me know what u think!
She told me that she was gonna stop using tbf, ive yet to ask why. Ive talked to her a bit on kik, when I get a response ill remind her to check line