Florence + The Machine Sep 29, 2013 Lovely. I feel bad for the person who accidentally stumbles upon this conversation on one of our pages.
Lovely. I feel bad for the person who accidentally stumbles upon this conversation on one of our pages.
Florence + The Machine Sep 29, 2013 Same with my father. It's amazing that he found a woman to marry him. He isn't much of a catch.
Florence + The Machine Sep 29, 2013 Gotta love Daddy problems. I have enough to share. And your father is quite scandalous, dating two women and all.
Gotta love Daddy problems. I have enough to share. And your father is quite scandalous, dating two women and all.
Florence + The Machine Sep 29, 2013 The worst thing about my dad is the woman he married after my parents divorced. I hate my stepmom so much. She's the worst.
The worst thing about my dad is the woman he married after my parents divorced. I hate my stepmom so much. She's the worst.
Florence + The Machine Sep 29, 2013 I sometimes go shopping and stuff with my mom, just not very often. My dad makes me go out whenever they have to go to town.
I sometimes go shopping and stuff with my mom, just not very often. My dad makes me go out whenever they have to go to town.
Florence + The Machine Sep 29, 2013 My dad forces me to go places and go outside and stuff. He's really annoying and I'm glad I only see him on weekends.
My dad forces me to go places and go outside and stuff. He's really annoying and I'm glad I only see him on weekends.
Florence + The Machine Sep 29, 2013 I get annoyed by everything. Another reason why I never leave my room.
Florence + The Machine Sep 29, 2013 Kinda. There is a lot of country in Maine, so we have a fair number of farmers and stuff like that.
Florence + The Machine Sep 28, 2013 Exactly. Btw, it's all the way to the top left of the US. It looks kinda like the head of the United States.
Exactly. Btw, it's all the way to the top left of the US. It looks kinda like the head of the United States.
Florence + The Machine Sep 28, 2013 I've never been to a concert. All of the singers I like don't tour/don't make music anymore/idk.
Florence + The Machine Sep 28, 2013 That's why I just stay in my room with my air conditioner all summer. It's pretty fun.
Florence + The Machine Sep 28, 2013 Warm snow would be the best. Like if it was the same as it is now, but warm.
Florence + The Machine Sep 28, 2013 Snow is terrible once it gets all mushy and dirty. I like it when it first snows, though.
Florence + The Machine Sep 28, 2013 Winter is my favourite season, but it gets so cold up here that it makes me sad. Snow is kinda fun, though.
Winter is my favourite season, but it gets so cold up here that it makes me sad. Snow is kinda fun, though.
Florence + The Machine Sep 28, 2013 Try living where I do. In the winter, it gets into negative degrees.
Florence + The Machine Sep 28, 2013 My favourite couple in my school is this one where they both wear giant leather trench coats every day. I laugh whenever I see them.
My favourite couple in my school is this one where they both wear giant leather trench coats every day. I laugh whenever I see them.
Florence + The Machine Sep 28, 2013 They're all over each other and I feel so awkward. They're making out in the hallway, and I'm like "lol, I've never been in a relationship."
They're all over each other and I feel so awkward. They're making out in the hallway, and I'm like "lol, I've never been in a relationship."