Livingmoonlight Jul 6, 2016 Okay! I already did! So my town or your town? Want me to send you the tbt first or how> I don't mind either way
Okay! I already did! So my town or your town? Want me to send you the tbt first or how> I don't mind either way
Livingmoonlight Jul 6, 2016 Hey! I'm so sorryyy! I was busy today, hahahaha. But im free now if you want to trade.
AppleBitterCrumble Jul 6, 2016 Hey im on right now if your free to trade? FC is in my About Me section and I will send the bells over shortly Is it okay if you drop off in my town?
Hey im on right now if your free to trade? FC is in my About Me section and I will send the bells over shortly Is it okay if you drop off in my town?
AppleBitterCrumble Jul 6, 2016 Are you on today? You seemed to reply to another persons post but ignored mine
AppleBitterCrumble Jul 6, 2016 Im on for another 30 minutes or so this morning but I should be back on later!
Strawbellies Jul 4, 2016 Oh my god I'm so sorry my mother had called me for something; Whenever you're ready, I'll be right there! Sorry! ;_;
Oh my god I'm so sorry my mother had called me for something; Whenever you're ready, I'll be right there! Sorry! ;_;
Strawbellies Jul 4, 2016 Hey, for some reason I still can't find you! I'm sorry for the trouble but do you think you could re-open for me?
Hey, for some reason I still can't find you! I'm sorry for the trouble but do you think you could re-open for me?
P P Peonypuff Jul 4, 2016 Also I know it's a pain but please may I amend the amount of mushrooms to 10 famous mushrooms and 5 elegant mushrooms?
Also I know it's a pain but please may I amend the amount of mushrooms to 10 famous mushrooms and 5 elegant mushrooms?