A A allylily Jul 4, 2016 I also posted in your giveaway thread, just so you can make it all one trip. Someone is storing things in my town rn but when they're done ill message you!
I also posted in your giveaway thread, just so you can make it all one trip. Someone is storing things in my town rn but when they're done ill message you!
AppleBitterCrumble Jul 4, 2016 hey im finally back in town! When/whos town do you want to trade at and what are you looking for in return
hey im finally back in town! When/whos town do you want to trade at and what are you looking for in return
A r i a n e Jul 3, 2016 Any of them really, you can choose I'll add you and open my gates then! Town is Yurei
A r i a n e Jul 3, 2016 So I didn't see before I answered you but someone asked for some before you did, would you be happy with 5 famous mushrooms?
So I didn't see before I answered you but someone asked for some before you did, would you be happy with 5 famous mushrooms?
a potato Jul 3, 2016 Gates are open! When you are done collecting the money, please make sure that it's the correct amount, because I may have miscounted.
Gates are open! When you are done collecting the money, please make sure that it's the correct amount, because I may have miscounted.
a potato Jul 3, 2016 Hey, sorry but I have to go do something which will take some time, so is it ok if we trade later?
Jam_And_Custard Jul 3, 2016 You VM'd me a fewf days ago about hydrangea starts, I messaged you back but heard nothing back... Do you still have the starts?
You VM'd me a fewf days ago about hydrangea starts, I messaged you back but heard nothing back... Do you still have the starts?
Svive Jul 3, 2016 ok! I have the bells ready so whenever you are ready I will come over. May I pay first? My storageis full of bells lol!
ok! I have the bells ready so whenever you are ready I will come over. May I pay first? My storageis full of bells lol!