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  • ok thanks hun, tbt bells sent, also I have a friend leaving stuff in my town atm so please head to my house to drop stuff so mine and her stuff doesn't get confused thanks <3
    Thank you c: Are you free now? I am doing a trade rn but after that I am free
    Hi, sorry I wasn't on yesterday. If you get on today though I'm available to trade and will probably be on tomorrow too.
    Hi, sorry that was 3am for me, I will be online for the next 3hrs if we can make it?:)
    Hi, I ordered the wrong set from you a little while ago, I meant to order the Gorgeous set but I ordered the gracie set by accident, I still have every piece if you are willing to trade with me, if not, I understand c:
    Hi I'm available now if you are ^_^ can I pick the items up in your town? my town doesn't have much space right now, need to organize >_<
    Going to do a quick trade and then I'll VM you again to let you know when I'm ready for pick up, thnx! ^_^
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