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  • Oh, no! No worries! xD I just haven't had the patience to sit down and listen yet xD I've been obsessed with Flight Rising recently~
    Well, that's definitely a silver lining then, right? xD How is it going so far? Are you still working at the same time?
    I'm sorry :< but I won't lie - I'm still really happy that you can take the courses you need to. It probably sucks right now, but it will be worth it in the long-term! :>
    Oh! Which concert? That sounds super fun!!! AND SCHOOL - SO YOU'RE GOING!!! THAT'S GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ohhh! Doing something fun I hope??? I'm ok too :> I'm glad work is over for the week ;v;
    Maybe tomorrow? I'm at my BF's family right now so that's why the messages have been spotty ;u; I'm sorry ;_________;
    I did!!! I got lots of amazing practical adult gifts like dish towels and cake pans xD all stuff that I need, so I was happy c: what about you? Are things a bit better now? PM if it's easier~ c:
    Sry for disappearing randomly. My toddler started having a meltdown, needed put to bed.
    YOU TOO. I hope you're having a wonderful day!!!! Sorry that I've been unavailable a lot ;w; been busy and now I'm out of town! I hope we can chat soon c:
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