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  • Oh wow! It sounds like you're having a lot of fun though, i'm happy to hear that! I still poke around here and check it out.. i think it's out of habit mostly so i'm always here if you need to contact me. :p I also still have my kik and line chat apps. I still play ACNL :D i think we added each other? You should come over and visit my town.. it's STILL a work in progress haha. Bob says to tell you hi.. i told him that you've probably forgotten him already. If you can, stop by Tera sometime to run stuff with us. xD A new patch just came out yesterday so we're all new to it. I started playing again so hopefully i'll see you in game sometime. I miss you ;v;
    Thank you! Did you make one yet? I'm going to try to post more, but i'm too lazy to edit them all pretty. ;__; I've been playing a little bit of Tera here and there since a new dungeon just released. :D I'm waiting for Rev. Online cbt 3 to start this Thursday so i can level my chars on there some more. What have you been up to?
    Not really, just spring/pink basically lol. Smol and Cotton will be my second/third towns. I received another copy of acnl for Christmas making my total = 3 copies of the game. I'm just focusing on Cuddles for now and i will worry about the others when i'm done. :p
    Then yeah, we should def play! I have my tumblr still also, cinmoobun.tumblr.com! I'm going to start working on my second town once i finish my main. I still have no idea what to do for my alt character's houses. >.< What did you name your town?
    I still play! My town is almost finished. :) Have we added each other already? I can't remember. ;v; Happy new year! To answer your question, i think i just became bored since i didn't really have anyone to play with minus like Bob. I might start playing it more now though since a bunch of my friends are coming back.
    Merry Christmas, love. <3

    Yeah, i do! They just started their cbt 2 last tuesday and it lasts for another week more so i've been playing as much as i can. I miss having you on TERA though.. I've pretty much given up on it lol and only log in to admire my elins.
    I thought i replied sooner but i guess i became sidetracked. :eek: But idunno, Tera just isn't as much fun anymore. /: Bob disbanded the guild also since everyone kept leaving/never logging in. We joined Floormasters but i haven't really played much ever since last month. I'm leveling my archer whenever i have the time to but that's about it. :p Been busy with the holidays and family. Hope all is well with you though! I miss you! <3
    I don't really play Tera much anymore, been mostly playing animal crossing and revelation online. D: Bob said there's a triple drop this weekend though so i might play just to get my vm7 materials. How have you been?
    That's okay! I didn't see your message for awhile after you sent it anyways, but I added your warrior. :) Thank you! I'm currently level 28 so, were the same lolol
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