Bunlily Jan 25, 2016 No rush! I still haven't gotten in the shower LOL going now. You can add me at Cvddles!
Bunlily Jan 25, 2016 I'm on BnS atm! I need to shower but i wanted to login to make sure there was no queue and there's not.
I'm on BnS atm! I need to shower but i wanted to login to make sure there was no queue and there's not.
Bunlily Jan 24, 2016 Not sure if you're on or not but hi! How have you been? Haven't talked to you in awhile. xD
himeki Jan 13, 2016 I've had it before -w- It's annoying, but the mods sort it. besides, i left the thread and just carried on reading this gr8 book
I've had it before -w- It's annoying, but the mods sort it. besides, i left the thread and just carried on reading this gr8 book
SensaiGallade Jan 3, 2016 Hiya are you still looking for persimmons and mangoes? If yes then there are two traders on my thread looking to help! Here is my thread!
Hiya are you still looking for persimmons and mangoes? If yes then there are two traders on my thread looking to help! Here is my thread!
buuunii Dec 25, 2015 Next time please wait until I have accepted your form before paying me... I have a limited amount of things I can work on at a time.
Next time please wait until I have accepted your form before paying me... I have a limited amount of things I can work on at a time.
Bunlily Dec 18, 2015 Have you quit Tera already? D: I see you haven't been on in the past couple of days. :3
Bunlily Dec 15, 2015 I'm actually going to be achievement hunting most of this month, trying to get my diamond laurel. xD Just go ahead and level your mystic!
I'm actually going to be achievement hunting most of this month, trying to get my diamond laurel. xD Just go ahead and level your mystic!
Isabella Sep 26, 2015 I DON'T BELIEVE! do you reference spongebob a lot? i still do it to this day heheh