• Oh, there's no anime in TV in Denmark (I think, haven't watched TV in years xD).
    But oh god Namek have the worst fillers in DBZ "5 minutes".
    You should definitely read the manga sometime it's great, how far have you gotten in One Piece, and Naruto?
    Wish there were a Japanese bookstore near me..
    What ? It does satisfy me ! >:c I just personally dislike cheesy stuff x3 It doesn't make the drawing any worse or anything. It's still darn great :3
    Reem eh... thas a new name for me uwu But then again you do seem to be from Dubai so it makes sense for you to have an unfamiliar name.
    Also yes. Too smart to remember indeed, even though being extremely forgetful when it comes to names might help aswell 8u
    I think ima go sleep after this song finishes, my cat has decided to cuddle up by me and is makin me quite sleepy <u<
    Possible timezone buddies? Also damn I forgot the username already.. was just about to re-check the screenie & it was gone xD Sorry I'm dumb
    Nah it's beautiful, a sight to be seen. So you're gonna go by that username? uwu So I can go on and add you asap. Can't stay up too long though. I really need to go to sleep
    How could you forget to make a steam account </3 Neglecting things like that makes others depressed ;'c Now steam has to take antidepressants.
    Idfk I'm bored and it's soon 1am & my alarm goes at half six.
    DBZ is amazing!
    I finished rewatching all dragon ball, and dragon ball z episodes not long ago, now I just need to rewatch GT and the movies.
    Have you watched the episode where Goku and Piccolo tries to learn how to drive? It's hilarious xD
    Thanks for the thought. I probably came across as super sensitive, but it's because of the chain of events that have happened this week (mainly yesterday) that caused it. It really made me feel low.

    Trundle pmed me saying he was sorry and he was trying to pull off a 'satirical joke'.
    Oh yeahh! Just minus all the big muscles, cool shades, and cigar, okaY maybe I'm not THAT manly.
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