K K Kirbystarship May 28, 2016 While you are gone look at the passed mafia games. You're understand mafia after reading afew games that is how I join mafia.
While you are gone look at the passed mafia games. You're understand mafia after reading afew games that is how I join mafia.
SansAnimalCrossing May 26, 2016 I thank you for asking how I've been it means a lot to me and I'm fine
Seroja May 26, 2016 totally! I'd hate to do that too. I'll look for other opportunities in the future ;D
Seroja May 26, 2016 was it? I felt like you got them all in no time. my only regret was not having enough bells to buy the hammer during restock (darn you apple!) it'd be so great to have my name among your list of hammer gift-ers ^^
was it? I felt like you got them all in no time. my only regret was not having enough bells to buy the hammer during restock (darn you apple!) it'd be so great to have my name among your list of hammer gift-ers ^^
Seroja May 26, 2016 ahhhhhhhhh!!! congratulations on the full lineup!! you finally reached your goal omg I am soo proud of you ;A;
ahhhhhhhhh!!! congratulations on the full lineup!! you finally reached your goal omg I am soo proud of you ;A;
K K Kirbystarship May 25, 2016 Incase you change your mind Here is the mafia game. http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?369444-TBT-Mafia-Attack-on-Titan Only afew more spots left.
Incase you change your mind Here is the mafia game. http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?369444-TBT-Mafia-Attack-on-Titan Only afew more spots left.