jadetine Sep 8, 2014 Mayor ラン invites you to grab some dango. The 3DS friend code is 1349-6979-2769. See you!
Crystiesc Sep 8, 2014 Whichever is easier for you! I'll add you now, then start locating those items. I'm ok with opening or traveling
Whichever is easier for you! I'll add you now, then start locating those items. I'm ok with opening or traveling
Crystiesc Sep 8, 2014 Sketchbook and bamboo grass, is that all you want? I had several things listed. I don't mind giving you a third or fourth item . Thanks so much for helping me out with my catalogue, and for checking on the statue!
Sketchbook and bamboo grass, is that all you want? I had several things listed. I don't mind giving you a third or fourth item . Thanks so much for helping me out with my catalogue, and for checking on the statue!