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  • hello~ your inbox is full so i'll message you here <: i've finally gotten a new town let me know when you're ready for me to come and pick everything up
    No worries. I do that a lot of times too xD reading it real quick and editing later >.<
    it's free balloons and ice cream, i know people can get excited O_O haha jk xD
    I'm sorry, that was confusing. I added you first bc you replied first. But when the registration didn't go through I went ahead to Chris' town. I'm sorry that you waited. My bad I'm still newish to this whole forum and posting thing. I need to remember to push the "" button when I reply. Thanks for the quick reply though.
    Lol I'd die on the inside if I was ever to be proven a hypocrite. It's never too late. Thus why I refunded half of the tbt. :3
    Nah you're fine :) feel free to run around if you'd like, town is super bare so no accidents of trampling flowers lol
    Yeah, come on IRC. Superpenguin would like to share some cheese and quackers with you! :)
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