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  • I'm working on talking to my other villagers more! Rizzo was the only one I liked until now. I tend to ignore the ones I want to move away. I can't wait for more generosity!
    That's awesome! I'm happy I was able to help with that. I was super happy when I finally got Rizzo's picture, now he won't stop giving them to me lol.
    You didn't? I'm so sorry! I will be back on tonight at like 9:45 so I'll get that to you right away. I'm sure I just forgot to drop it.
    Yaaay, thanks for taking them! Love your mayor by the way. The whole bird related theme is really cool haha. ;w;
    Sorry about that, got distracted. o: Trading definitely isn't necessary, you can just have them!
    I see no gates open and don't see you on my friend's list anymore, so I tried adding you again and it says "already registered"?
    zzzz i hate how i stored all my flowers in random housesa and in the museum now i have to go find them and they're not even organized lmao
    might take a bit
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