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  • Hey, just to let you know, I've started putting all the money out in my town, just to get it over quicker! So just let me know when you can come :) Also, if you need to go shopping/ Shampoodles, you're free to use my town!
    I will be here then for you to pick up your stuff! A PM or VM to remind me is probably a good idea though as I may forget!
    You can come to Temps. Just post in that thread once 06:00 p.m. ET arrives. Write something like, "Add me." It's not until 06:00 p.m. ET that I'm going to start noting who is requesting to come. So, yes, you can come. But just drop a message in that thread. I actually don't intend to open the gate until 07:00 p.m. ET.
    I am holding your fruits and mushrooms in my pockets so nothing will happen to them, I will drop them when you come back as other mayor! :)
    Terribly sorry! Did not realize you were having friend over :) For some reason my game is taking forever to save but as soon as it does I will open gate for you! ^_^
    hi, just wondering if you still wanted the K.K. Condor, Yellow Rain Boots and Glass-top table for 30k, if so just let me know when you're able to trade :)
    I'm ready, so let me know when you're around again today. Also let me know your town preference.
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