Juudai Oct 14, 2014 I think I can do that. Hopefully see ya then~ *or maybe a little after. Not sure how long I'll be out today.
I think I can do that. Hopefully see ya then~ *or maybe a little after. Not sure how long I'll be out today.
Juudai Oct 12, 2014 I'm around whenever you're ready for this set! Just let me know when + whose town you prefer. Thanks!
I'm around whenever you're ready for this set! Just let me know when + whose town you prefer. Thanks!
Juudai Oct 11, 2014 Hey! Congrats on a Zodiac set. I won't be able to get it until sometime tomorrow, but if you want to let me know when you're available then (Sunday) or Monday + your time zone, that'd be great. Thanks!
Hey! Congrats on a Zodiac set. I won't be able to get it until sometime tomorrow, but if you want to let me know when you're available then (Sunday) or Monday + your time zone, that'd be great. Thanks!
Kitcatsandy Oct 10, 2014 Hello If you're still available to trade I've added you and I'm buying your golden wall torch for 300k :3
Hello If you're still available to trade I've added you and I'm buying your golden wall torch for 300k :3
The Hidden Owl Oct 9, 2014 Hey! Are you still interested in the flag you ordered? Sorry for the delay I forgot about that thread O~O
Hey! Are you still interested in the flag you ordered? Sorry for the delay I forgot about that thread O~O