seriously like come on it's 100% possible to move a rock let me at least move them.
Like beds can fall from trees in this game but you can't move rocks... smh.
U SHOULD VISIT SOON tho we have dinner reservations for 7:15 so idk about today unless it's later
Mine are bad everywhere, the only one that hasn't ruined anything (yet) is the one near where Willow's house was, just wait I'll get mad at that one too eventually
Oh wth, I haven't ever gotten that.
I really need another game aaaaaah so many villagers I still want. I wanna get all the heroes in 1 town, except Rocket though I hate the gorilla villagers D:
Eeep yayy~ <3
Ah, I'm not quite sure.. for me, horror is easiest for me to roleplay and I'm not sure why, but I also quite like adventure and cutesy stuff. ^^
Yeah! that's her username, she might be in my friend's list but I forget pff </3
EEep, you are seriously welcome though! though it honestly will! Roleplaying helps me get inspiration for writing, and helps me think of scenarios, so I think it's nice to do! <3
Oh sweet! in that case, I think you'll quite love it. ^^
Goodie, goodie~ because I can assure you it will be really fun! though I just asked and Leela said she would not mind at all, she loves new roleplayers. <3 we can help teach you and just let you have fun with it. ^^
Oh, sure then! mine is going to be a horror roleplay though, are you cool with that? ? ^^
Though hers will probably be out before my next one.. (mine will take a week probably x'D) hers is going to be an adventure roleplay with like, the seven deadly sins~ so you might wanna look into it~ <3