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  • im currently only looking for pink and white roses, so can i but 10 pink for 10 tbt?
    yess i saw that moment! omg jimin was so cute when he asked him "are u okay?" and i was just like aww omg. and one is when the guy wakes up jimin and he's like "oh tony oh tony~" and it's so cute i can't take it.
    okay! it's bc the only thing i've seen of ahl is when they get "kidnapped" and jungkook was so scared my heart broke. my friend thought it was funny but i actually felt bad for the boys D:
    i also saw a part where tae says turn up and the guy he's talking to tells him to do push-ups lol. and ofc the jimin and tony moments lmao.
    hey, have you ever watched american hustle life? my friend told me to watch it but i want to know if it's worth watching?
    yes documentaries are the best !

    think im gonna go try to sleep not gonna go well tho stupid rags ffff
    ahhh yes done for now : > probs have to do a few more cause that site who has them is the only place iirc
    was two albums but both are not too bad at least they dont write [rip by hoe] RANDOMTITLES--[100%].mp3 or shizz lol

    ahhhh think i don't have too much left.. i know one more record i need to edit but sdfjhsdff
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