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  • ikr!! you gotta be quick. and sometimes they're selling my dreamies when im at school gahh
    i will try to get her <3 hopefully she'll be in my campsite soon or someone sells her in the vtp c:
    aww. i just really want daisy because she was in my wild world town and she was the most precious thing ever :)
    hey tae could you add me to the skype group? My new account is heyimnotgreg, the other one got banned for some reason I don't know
    I didn't say I didn't ever call you salty.

    And whenever I mention anything about K-pop, it's not directed towards you, and if it is, it's not in an offensive type of way, or as you're mentioning in every single vm, "dishing out".
    Why should I? And the first post was meant to be me kindly asking you to stop saying these things, as they're in fact hurting my feelings. You're saying I'm so "salty", when I'm actually not. You honestly don't know me, and I would try to be at least a little more respectful towards you, if I hadn't lost all of that respect an hour ago.
    You keep going off about how I'm dissing you about K-pop, when I can't recall one time when I have. Give me three examples and I'll believe you.
    I'm trying to make this go somewhere, but you're not understanding. I was just asking you to please stop your comments, as they were hurting my feelings. I know that I'm an unlikable boring piece of trash, now please stop implying that in your posts.
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