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  • OK, I'll try that! Thanks! I'll be really careful since I have Marshal and Stitches and don't want them in boxes. :p I should have her out at the MAX in an hour.
    Are you sure? I'm really sorry about this... I thought she would be pretty easy to get out but I guess not. I've had maybe six villagers ping me to move so far.
    OK, I'll try really hard to get her out as fast as I can. If not, we'll just have to do it later. :\
    Hm... Well, Lily is actually moving out right now (I needed her out of my town) but after she's gone, I can try to cycle really quickly. Which could take from a half an hour to an hour. :eek:
    OK! Sounds good. I'll PM you when she's ready to go. Did you want her original shirt and all that?
    Hey! 5mil is totally fine, and you can pay in advance if you like but I usually take them once I'm done!!
    hi! Sorry I had closed my shop before you posted. Let me know if you still want to trade! I can sell you 15 tulips for 600k (I have a 15 item limit.) ^^
    Hi! I saw you posting saying you wanted a dream review and I was wondering if you wanted to do a review for a review? I would love some feedback on my town and I am also after my dream badge so just let me know!:)
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