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  • suree, just let me finish up a trade and I'll trade with you after, maybe i'll be done in 30 mins
    save and quit, then log in again. Reese should tell you its been transferred and then check your account thingy o:
    UH, well..can we do the retail method in your town since there is no space for bells to be dropped in mine? owo
    You just need to put up a shell for sale in the shop worth 1mil and once I buy it, it'll go straight to your bank.
    kk so will you be picking up the bells from my town? or will i be dropping the bells in your town? sorry I'm confused lulz
    if its okay can we do the pokemon trade first? Since dropping the bells off will take awhile @.@; ah also, do you want to do the retail method for when we do ac-bell trades?
    It's okay! Thanks for coming! I went to go make lunch & completely forgot my DS was on!
    Hey~ The dream address leading to Smashvil from your signature apparently does not exist. Did you change it after you created your signature? O:
    Julian's pic got available again bc DerpyDino couldn't take it :)
    Do you want it?^^
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