• Ooh yeah yay for breaks~ Unlike you I had a lot more free time to play so r.i.p. me
    For ornamental carp I think the only place you can catch one is by the waterfall (that's where I got it anyway) as soon as you exit from the the Castele Shopping District into West Castele. There's not always a fish shadow there tho so you might have to leave/come back a bunch of times or sleep at the inn to get it to show up. Pirate Fish took a lot longer for me to get, I got it in the fishing spot to the far left of the beach I think. Idk if there's a good spot to get it, it might just be really rare. p:
    so you're getting AS? Me too whenever I get one. :O And yeah Fantasy Life is the best rpg I've played in awhile, I'm embarrassed to say how many hours I have so let's just say it's more than you hahah I'm hero in Mercernary, Angler, Alchemist, Tailor, Blacksmith, Miner and Carpenter. @v@' Gonna be a woodcutter next lmao
    No I didn't get it yet, I got Smash instead. :p Did you get it? (also did you enjoy Fantasy Life?~)
    Hey! Yes I am, but at the moment I have no room for her. I'd definitely pay the 50TBT, but I'm not sure how long it will take for me to make room (especially as I'm on a turnip spike atm, so keeping my town in one date to get a loads of bells).
    I'll tranfer when I'm in your town if that's ok but I have to go in 10 minutes
    Hi there: If you are back online & still wanna adopt Hamphrey, please PM or reply in thread? Thanks! C:
    Ozzie will be in boxes the next Friday, and so we can wait until you have room for him.

    Remember, I can play and be connected to WiFi in the first afternoon after lunch time only (gmt +1).

    Let me know when you will be ready! :)
    oh whoops, sorry I went out to eat. Are you still interested? o:
    I added you just now, you can have apollo pic for free since I took too long.
    Tomorrow (Today now) would work! I'm free all day today, so just hit me up when she can get Apple :)
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