• (part 1 of 2... again... XP)

    No prob. :) Hmmm, that's a good question. You can finish the game with a single class, though, unlocking the coordinating class(es) is useful too. I've gotten all of them, besides Paladin & Hunter, since I wanted to try most of them. As a recommendation, I would do the coordinating class for merc and miner to start, which would be the blacksmith.

    Alchemist is useful too so you can save some dosh and make your own potions. And the tailor can make some armor too at higher ranks, but not sure if they'd be useful for a merc per se. From there, you can try out the rest and see what you wanna do. I probably will get the other two licenses at some point after I beat the game, as I'm a completionist... or I at least try to be. XD
    (part 2 of 2) Miner (which you already have) and Woodcutter I recommend getting early on since you can do most of the challenges without actually being that class. I dunno about Miner, but for Woodcutter, I know that one of them you have to chop down & harvest 500 trees, which is why I say you should consider those early on.

    If you're in the US, it's $8.99. It's similarly priced elsewhere in the world.
    (part 1 of 2.... damn this 1k character limit... XD) Yep, it's my main image host. I used to use Photobucket, but with the amount of sigs I made and between myself and everyone who hotlinked to them, it quickly ate up all my bandwidth. Flickr has been my solution ever since. I like it, though it sometimes has quirks about uploading gifs sometimes...

    Yeah, it's the mercenary class. :) That was my starting class. With mining, you pretty much find any ore deposit and start hitting it to get ore. Very rarely you have to be that class to do the challenge itself, other than checking in with Duglas.

    All of the gathering classes seem to be like that. With combat ones, a bunch of the challenges are class-specific based, so you HAVE to be that class in order for it to count for towards the challenge. I actually didn't realize that at first, so it was annoying to have to do it all again as that combat class. XD
    Heyos~ :)

    Funny you ask, since 9/10 times, Flickr does it automatically since you can pick the size you want the URL for. But, for the rare times that I don't do that, I resize in Photoshop. Photoshop in general is my go-to art/graphics program, but if you don't have that, there are sites that resize for you and there are free programs like GIMP that can do that as well.

    And yep, I do have FL. Yeah, I'd love to play together... well, as long as you don't have the DLC. XD If you do, we're out of luck until I get it. What kind of tips would you like? I'm no expert, but I can give my 2 cents on things that have helped me so far.
    HA!!!!!!!!! You too??? i have a couple of friends that are obsessed with that as well!!! Yep! I'll send the btb now, and open my gates :) The station is kind of a mess but there's room. See you soon!
    Aww no dice for you yet? :c I hope you can get it soon! I was pleasantly surprised to get it with my offer (although with the collectibles I added it was a bit more than 5k r.i.p. my inventory) But most people I see selling it are asking for pure tbt offers hm...

    Anyway I'm quite good. ^^ Wbu?
    Sorry I missed your post about white lilies! I do have some! Once I'm done with the person who's currently coming to my town I can let you in!
    Well because they actually paid for the game with real money so I would expect that :( but good luck!
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