CheezitJamboree Sep 22, 2014 It's alright! No rush, just do what you need to first. Umm... Maybe in an hour to two hours?
CheezitJamboree Sep 22, 2014 Hey, I just wanted you to know that I have to go. Is there anyway we could hold off on the trade for just a little bit?
Hey, I just wanted you to know that I have to go. Is there anyway we could hold off on the trade for just a little bit?
Delphine Sep 22, 2014 One day, my friend, one day... and my luck is only insane on TBT. I'm a really unlucky person in general ;u;
One day, my friend, one day... and my luck is only insane on TBT. I'm a really unlucky person in general ;u;
N N neonfuz Sep 21, 2014 Hey, I'm going to bed right now, so if you still wanna buy them message me and I'll get back to you tomorrow.
Hey, I'm going to bed right now, so if you still wanna buy them message me and I'll get back to you tomorrow.
LunaMoon Crossing Sep 20, 2014 i couldn't open it, sorry. I have to sleep soon. Sorry! I'll be availalbe tomorrow maybe.
LunaMoon Crossing Sep 20, 2014 no sorry, breh. ill be asleep then. im restarting my system so people can come. ill open it in a bit
LunaMoon Crossing Sep 20, 2014 ok, ill be on tomorrow, and in 3-4 hours, ill be asleep by then i can open them now.
LunaMoon Crossing Sep 20, 2014 yes, sure. I'll be doing stuff to keeep my self busy in the mean time. ps, i just noticed we're around the same age. lol.
yes, sure. I'll be doing stuff to keeep my self busy in the mean time. ps, i just noticed we're around the same age. lol.
LunaMoon Crossing Sep 20, 2014 okeh. BTW, why does your profile always make it look like as if you are offline?